Saturday, February 28, 2009

Feature Canlubangers of the Week


...The Lovers-"On-Stage of Theater and Music"

...An Almost "Perfect" Couple Becasue of Many Similarities

..."He + She = A Life-Changing Relationship"

...The Couple in DLS-C that I Could Consider the Sweetest of All

The Cool Boy
Name: Jed Ryan Rosell
Year: 3
Course: ABCA

Birthday: November 30, 1985
Motto in Life: "Nothing is impossible."

      -He loves to travel a lot.
      -He loves photography and film.
      -His favorite singers are Joey Goh and the loved of her life, Vernie.
      -His all-time favorite celebrity is Richard Gomez.
      -His favorite color is Blue.
      -He doesn't like seafoods.
      -According to his love, he is "malambing at antukin".

The Cool Girl
Name: Vernadine del Mundo
Year: 2
Course: ABCA

Birthday: May 6, 1991
Motto in Life: "You make your own destiny."

      -She loves to read books and play computer games.
      -Her favorite singers are Dashboard and the loved of his life, Jed.
      -Her favorite color is Pink.
      -She doesn't like vegetables.
      -According to her love, she is "sweet, cute, cuddly at tamad".


The Couple Together
The Date: November 17, 2007
The Endearment: "Bebeng" or "Babe"

Where and When Did You Meet: @ DLS-C's smoking area (Frosh si Girl and Soph si Boy)
The First Date: May 2, 2008; watched Forbidden Kingdom @ Glorietta

  • -They have the same ambition in life, which is to work in Disovery Channel and to build a production firm.
  • -They have the same future plan, which is to reside in a "small house but big lot" in a far, peaceful place like the provinces of Ilocos and Zambales
  • - They love buffets.
  • - They bothe love to read the book by Sun Tzu.
  • - They like movies such City of God, City of Men and All My Life.
  • - They both consider every day of their relationship as new and exciting, that everyday is their happiest moment together.

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